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You can browse the content of our site using an unsupported browser, but we can’t guarantee the site will work properly. If you want to obtain an online rate quote, calculate your needs online, fill out an application, or access the Account Section, you will need to download a browser that we support. We continually update our website so that it works best with the newer versions of “standard” browsers.

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Established Dentists


Dr. Charles Samaras Customer of ADA Members Insurance Plans, not a paid actor.

Securing what you have built

You know the hard work and commitment it takes to be successful in dentistry. You’ve survived a few scares, overcome a few obstacles, and established a solid practice. You may even be ready to start writing the next chapter in your life.

By now, you’re probably familiar with the ADA Members Insurance Plans and understand why we’re here and how we can help you. Over the years you’ve probably compared us to the competition and hopefully, have become a long-standing customer. As you evaluate your current insurance needs, we encourage you to take an even closer look at our products. Reevaluate your current coverage. Let our experience help secure your future.

Do you have enough life insurance to protect your family? Term Life offers up to $3,000,000 in coverage.

Perhaps you’re looking for guaranteed, tax-deferred income. Term Plus® Universal Life offers a guaranteed 2.5%* rate of return.

Could your family thrive financially if you become disabled and are unable to practice dentistry? Income Protection provides disability insurance options at very competitive rates.

Medical costs, as well as out-of-pocket expenses, can add up. Our supplemental medical insurance plans, Hospital Indemnity and Critical Illness, can help you cover these.

* Term Plus Universal Life certificate holders prior to November 1, 2011 receive a separate guaranteed minimum interest rate. However, the multiple year interest rate lock-in feature previously available has been discontinued.
