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Why Dentists Choose Us

Dr. Jacy Robling

When Dr. Jacy Robling bought her practice in Crawfordsville, IN—and later, built her new office—she used ADA Term Life insurance as loan collateral.

"I looked into a few other companies, but found that I couldn’t get a better deal than through the ADA-sponsored group policy."

Dr. Bruce Jensen

Now retired, Dr. Bruce Jensen, Kaysville, UT, reflects on why he chose ADA-sponsored Insurance Plans years ago.

"As a young dentist, I felt comfortable buying insurance through the ADA. I felt that if anyone knows what a dentist needs, it’s the ADA."

Dr. Keith Poe

MedCASHSM paid off in a big way for Dr. Keith Poe and his wife when their quadruplets were born. Now the Midland, TX, dentist keeps the coverage for life’s unexpected events.

"Not only does MedCASH pay a cash benefit for each day in the hospital, it also pays a benefit for trips to the emergency room, which comes in handy when you are raising a family. And the premiums are so inexpensive that I figured if I only used MedCASH every two or three years, it would more than pay for itself."

Dr. Matt Hagarty

When Dr. Matt Hagarty was ready to buy a practice in Coralville, IA, the lender required that he use life and disability insurance as collateral.

"I went through the ADA Insurance Plans because I had a good experience with them before. I wanted to be fully covered so that my wife, who is also a dentist, would be okay financially if something happened to me."

Dr. Vinna Norris

Dr. Vinna Norris bought a practice in Fort Collins, CO, right out of dental school—and also made a commitment to be adequately insured.

"A colleague was under-insured when he was disabled by a back injury, and I saw how quickly a disability can end a career. Both ADA Office Overhead Expense insurance and ADA Disability Income Protection insurance are important to me."

The testimonials reproduced in this website were obtained in response to questions posed by Protective Life concerning the value of insurance.
